Sunday, January 29, 2012

Update Info

We've been very busy spreading the word about us and the products we offer. Find us on Tweeter now at!/TheByrdGirls  and follow us there and we are linking with Facebook.
Black 6 Double Sided Picture Bracelet

New products are posted as Restocked items so check out the tabs for more info. Free Shipping  with no minimum purchase going on for Blog and Tweeter followers so if you haven't already, start following today. Get exclusive deals. 

Sterling Birthstone Charm Necklace

FYI: You can PM or DM me with your order, shipping and payment info. We accept PayPal, Master Card, Visa, American Express, and Discover. Pretty much everything except iou's, NO IOU'S Allowed! We generally ship when payment is received and shipped by USPS Priority and for larger orders UPS. However, because I stride to offer the best shipping rate for my customers I have used FedEx when the rate is lower for certain areas of the United States.  

Friday, January 20, 2012

Craft Projects

Valentine Ideas!
All right here are some craft projects for all the crafty peeps like me. I loaded two projects you can do for Valentines Day. Everyone loves getting things someone made, that means they put a lot of thought and work to make it for you and that makes it more special. So try out these projects and post pictures so I can see how creative you got with them. Look for the tabs above to view the new craft projects.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Welcome 2012

Looking Forward to "2012":

Introducing the new year!

As some of you know I am a stay at home (working) Mom. I have two beautiful little girls. GracyMay is 5 years old and now in Pre-K. Her teacher Ms. Karen said, "She is very smart and at the top of her class". Yay, GracyMay! I pray that she stays that way through college ^_^ !! And I have a 14 month old, Faithlyn that makes me smile everyday. She is the happiest and funniest baby and brings so much joy into my mommy lifestyle. Between the two I manage to keep our home in somewhat order. Let me put it this way, we live in our home you can tell that as soon as I open the door. Sometime ago our minister stop by unannounced and he realized that he should call first. I had no coffee made and I warned him we do not take lawsuits if you trip over toys. Anyway my husband tolerates toys, craft supplies and finished products. I do have an office but I have out grown it. Maybe some of you can relate. On top of mommy-hood I also rent a show room in Natchitoches, Louisiana (39 miles north of Alexandria, LA.) It is located off of Front Street in Gifts Galore and More. I am generally stocking and displaying new products once a month. The business name is "Treasure Chest Collections". I have Home Decor, Sterling Silver Jewelry, Children Boutique Gifts and Accessories. These are mainly retail items with some of my hand crafted items. I recently have branched out and I have some products in a new shop called "Somethin Snazzy" located in Alexandria, LA. off Jackson St. Ext. She allows me to stock my products in her shop for a commission. Her shop is very unusual, she has hand crafted items and retail. It's a neat mixture like my show room in Natchitoches. I also setup at two festivals every year. The Nursery Festival in March and The Pecan Festival in November. So between my girls, carpool, my shops and shows I am busy. So are you wonder how I do it? Well, I go, go, go! And I could use a good week of sleep. =D However, I do the very best I can and focus on what needs to be done with a lot of sticky notes. Now the reason I am telling you this is I'm not a big business. I do not produce my items overnight so please understand why I can not have a two day turn around time. I will need a week to two, depending on where you are located and whether it is holiday season to get your item/s to you.